Misty Mountains

Misty Mountains

Hi everybody! I hope you’re all having a safe and super fun summer! I can’t believe it’s already August. Wow!! We’re having a glorious Summer here in Hawaii and the tourists are back. Lychees, Mangoes, and Soursops are all ripe right now….YUM!!

Also check out these lovely white Cucumbers below. So crisp & crunchy! It’s amazing to be able to get much of my fruit & veggies grown from within a few a blocks of my house. Talk about eating local organic!!

Misty Mountain Meanders

Hiking in the Misty Mountains, befriending horses and admiring all the gorgeous Tropical Flowers that bloom here all year!

Cookie Crazy

I’ve been hiking & swimming when I can (been working a lot!!!) and practicing my raw & baked Vegan Gluten free COOKIE making. These raw vegan Chocolate Chip Macadamia nut cookies turned out so well, even in the dehydrator!

I was shocked how much they taste like a baked cookie.  It’s been a really fun and tasty challenge and my friends have been delighted with my results so far. Muffin Making will be next!!

Kitty Kisses

Cookies and kitties!! My little rescued Kitty Cat Piku knows how to get comfy….ha!!

Palm Tree Breeze

Palm Tree Breeze

Hi everybody! Blue skies, beaches, Piku the rescue Kitty and me practicing my vegan gluten free baking for friends and family 🙂

Rainbows and Road Trips

Rainbows and Road Trips

Hi everybody! We’re having a really nice summer here so far, so warm. Lychees and Mountain Apples are ripe! Lots of rainbows lately, it’s nice to have the rain even during these hot days. And lots of tourists here now! 

I had a super fun time traveling back to the mainland, did a road trip from Arizona to southern California, and cruised up and down the California coast which is one of my favorite things to do 🙂 and got to visit Seattle too.

Here are pictures from Arizona, up and down the coast from Newport to San Diego and Seattle. These beaches in La Jolla are so spectacular!

Rainbows and Kittens

Rainbows and Kittens

A Round up of Beach, hiking, fruit, tropical flowers, rainbows and kitty pictures taken here in Hawaii!

Hawaiian Horses

Hawaiian Horses

Hi everybody! Well it’s getting warmer here in Hawaii and starting to really feel like Summer. More tourists are coming back.

I’ve been going on a bunch of fun Hikes lately and look at the 2 new friends I met on the trail! These two horses were super friendly even though we didn’t have any treats for them.

My garden is thriving and my Papaya trees finally have fruit on them! Soon I’m going to have a lot of Papayas. So exciting!!

Kitties and Kayaks

Kitties and Kayaks

Well I haven’t gotten kitty into a kayak yet but she had her very first walk on the beach! First time she felt sand on her toes and saw waves. She was pretty freaked out but still did a fairly good job walking on the flexi leash. Soon I’ll have some Cute Cat videos of her up!

Daring Bird Rescue!

I rescued this poor terrified little Zebra Dove who had been hit by a car and was stuck in the middle of the highway with cars zooming by on either side. I leaped out into traffic to save her and was almost plowed down by a huge truck. Everyone drives big trucks here!

People always assume birds will get out of the way in time but they don’t always. Please be careful of them when you’re driving because they’re no match for a car or truck 🙂 they’re just a helpless fluff of feathers.

Whales are Back!

It’s Whale Season here and I can’t wait to see some. I’ve seen some distant splashing but nothing close up yet. Another wonderful excuse to go to the Beach! Have also been doing some really fun River Kayaking….