Rainbows and Kittens

Rainbows and Kittens

A Round up of Beach, hiking, fruit, tropical flowers, rainbows and kitty pictures taken here in Hawaii!

Hawaiian Horses

Hawaiian Horses

Hi everybody! Well it’s getting warmer here in Hawaii and starting to really feel like Summer. More tourists are coming back.

I’ve been going on a bunch of fun Hikes lately and look at the 2 new friends I met on the trail! These two horses were super friendly even though we didn’t have any treats for them.

My garden is thriving and my Papaya trees finally have fruit on them! Soon I’m going to have a lot of Papayas. So exciting!!

Kitties and Kayaks

Kitties and Kayaks

Well I haven’t gotten kitty into a kayak yet but she had her very first walk on the beach! First time she felt sand on her toes and saw waves. She was pretty freaked out but still did a fairly good job walking on the flexi leash. Soon I’ll have some Cute Cat videos of her up!

Daring Bird Rescue!

I rescued this poor terrified little Zebra Dove who had been hit by a car and was stuck in the middle of the highway with cars zooming by on either side. I leaped out into traffic to save her and was almost plowed down by a huge truck. Everyone drives big trucks here!

People always assume birds will get out of the way in time but they don’t always. Please be careful of them when you’re driving because they’re no match for a car or truck 🙂 they’re just a helpless fluff of feathers.

Whales are Back!

It’s Whale Season here and I can’t wait to see some. I’ve seen some distant splashing but nothing close up yet. Another wonderful excuse to go to the Beach! Have also been doing some really fun River Kayaking…. 

Falling Stars

Falling Stars

It’s been a stupendously Starfruity autumn so far! I LOVE starfruit because it’s refreshing and SO versatile. Salads, salsas, JUICE, smoothies, garnishes, dried, and my friend even adds it to her soups/stews/rice dishes. Nice!!

I usually eat it in salads and juice it because it’s so yummy with ginger, turmeric, greens and mint. It also makes a splendid salad (or chutney??) cut up with fresh Mint/Ginger/Hawaiian Chili Peppers. Really tasty & super healthy!!

I’ve been juicing it with Hono Hono Grass because this grass is so abundant and very nutritious. I add lots of fresh organic Hawaiian grown Ginger, Turmeric, Mint, some Lemon, Calamansi Limes. It’s such delicious juice!!

Besides making lots of GREEN JUICE lately, I’ve also been trying to eat more raw Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic & Chili Peppers. The Chilis grow like crazy in the garden and it’s a challenge keeping up with them! So I’ve been trying to find creative ways to incorporate these ingredients into tasty recipes.

This Orange Vegan raw Dark Chocolate I made recently turned out super yummy too, made with organic Hawaiian grown Tangerine Peels. YUM!!! I’m going to make it again very soon because it’s almost gone 🙂

Of course Piku Kitty wants to get involved in all photography….

Itty Bitty Kitty Rescue

Itty Bitty Kitty Rescue

Hi everybody! Big news! I rescued a cute Kitty a few months back. She had been hiding in the frame underneath my roommate’s car. I heard meowing ALL night but couldn’t figure out where it was coming from?? I looked everywhere!! The meowing continued the next morning.

We finally saw her…a very scared & hungry TINY black & white kitten. She was hiding from us and wouldn’t come out. Just kept crying for her mommy 🙁 Thankfully she moved up under the hood and my neighbor was able to reach in and grab her. So brave of her and she got very scratched up for her heroism!

The engine is a VERY dangerous place for kittens to hide because when someone starts the car there’s too many lethal spots to get stuck in like fan belts. Plus if the kitten/s jumps down from the car, they’re right by the wheels.

She was under 1 lb, needed to be fed with a dropper but was friendly right away. I put her on a wet food diet soon and now have her on a healthy high protein diet that includes veggies, sweet potatoes and even fruit. She loves FRUIT!!! Papaya, banana, dragonfruit, dates, she’ll even eat NONI fruit. She’s obsessed with my breakfast of fruit & coconut cream. So I make her her own small version.

I’m hoping to train her to walk on a leash?? but time will tell, ha! She’s two months old now and just got spayed by a WONDERFUL non profit organization. Too many poor unwanted kittens, especially here in Hawaii. Did you know female cats can get pregnant at 4 MONTHS old?? And give birth to up to 5 LITTERS per YEAR!!

I’ve named her Piku (pee-koo) which means “fig” in Hawaiian

Hot Horsey Summer

Hot Horsey Summer

Hi everybody! It’s been a terrific summer so far, of course strange because of the virus and still sending thanks to all our essential workers & prayers out to everyone who’s been affected.

The beaches & hiking trails here are so much emptier without the tourists! I should be taking better advantage of this 🙂

My garden is getting bigger & greener, I’ll take pictures soon!