Summer is Here!

Cherries, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Melons, Peaches, Nectarines & Plums are everywhere!

And they make easy, super quick HEALTHY snacks to pack for your Weekend Adventures.

Eat them by themselves or make into Fruit Salads or Smoothies. Or make a quick Green Juice with Cucumber & your favorite Veggies to stick in the cooler.

Kumquats…Who Would Have Thought?

Have I gone Kumquat Crazy?

All because my friend gave me a big bag of them! I didn’t want to eat them but also I didn’t want to waste them.

So I got creative! I’ve been Juicing, Blending and making Kumquat Breads, Smoothies, Jams & Dressings!

And do you know what? They’re YUMMY when you add them to recipes! They add a surprising sweet tart citrus burst.

Since it’s still Black Sapote & Mulberry Season, (and now giant Blackberries too) we’ve been busy picking at the Farm.

Poor Brian fell off the ladder picking Black Sapotes 🙁 and broke his foot. He says no more climbing ladders at the Farm!

Oh dear.

This means either I have to start climbing them, or get a LOT better with the Fruit Picking pole. Ha!

Kumquat Recipes coming soon!