Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Hawaii! I’ve been here for 2 months so far and I’m so excited about all the new & different super nutritious Super Food Greens I’m growing & using in my Green Smoothies!

On Christmas I celebrated by making a Green Smoothie with Katuk, Moringa, Dandelion, Plantain, Arugula, Ong Choy, Turnip Greens, Sunflower & Buckwheat micro Greens, apple Bananas, Noni Fruit in a fresh squeezed Orange Juice with Liliquoi & Strawberries. It was yummy!

I’m trying to add fresh Noni Fruit and Aloe into my smoothies whenever I can too 🙂

My Raw Vegan Diet in Hawaii

Since I’ve been here I’ve been getting exceptional Beets and Daikon Radishes with big huge greens attached, Swiss Chard, Kale and Tat Soi at the Farmers Market, along with fresh Ginger & Turmeric Root. Just recently they’ve had lots of Cucumbers.

And beautiful red Rambutan! It has been a wonderful Rambutan season here and you see them in all the markets and roadside stands. Papayas & Liliquoi seem to almost always be in season. I love all the different kinds of bananas!

My roommate’s Avocado tree has given us tons of delicious creamy avocados for our dinner Salad. And it has been a crazy year for citrus! Everyone has so much they’re giving it away.

My friend has been letting me pick pounds and pounds of incredible Tangerines, Navel Oranges, juicy Limes and Meyer Lemons from her lovely organic Orchard.

So I’ve been super busy juicing all these and filled up the entire freezer with frozen juice cubes to use later!

I’ve also been making Green Vegetable Juices with lots of Ginger, juicing Wheatgrass with Noni Leaves and Fresh Pineapple. Wow!! 

I get my super sweet large Pineapples at Costco. They smell like perfume!! And bags of frozen organic Mangos, Cherries and Berries for making Smoothies.  

Sprouts & Micro Greens

So far I’m growing Wheatgrass, Sunflower & Buckwheat Greens, and Lentil, Pea, Mung, Fenugreek, Broccoli, Red Clover Sprouts.

Greens & Veggies

I’m growing Turnips and Carrots from seeds and the rest from starts friends generously gave me! Moringa, Purslane, Katuk, Ong Choy, Arugua, Malabar Spinach, Brazilian Spinach, Okinawan Spinach, Pacific Spinach (edible Hibiscus), Yacon, Basil, Oregano, Mint.

Fruit Trees

Again, my wonderful friends gifted me with beautiful baby free trees!! Longan, Lychee, Mango, Papaya, Soursop and I’m also growing Lime, Meyer Lemon, Tangerine, Navel Orange and Liliquoi from seeds. 

Super Snacks

I just bought my roommate a dehydrator and I’ve been making Kale Chips and Flax Crackers. For seasoning I’m using the herb cuttings of Mexican Oregano and purple Basil I’m growing from cuttings a friend gave me!

I’m making my 2nd batch of raw vegan Kim Chee now, with Carrots, Beets, Daikon, and Ginger.

So it’s been very fun, growing and eating all these new Greens and still plenty of time for Hiking, Bikini, Swimming and Exploring!!