All Summer long, I enjoyed the most Fabulous Fruit Salads ever!  I would invent a new one every morning for breakfast.

The apricots, nectarines, peaches, cherries, pluots and plums were SO GOOD this year that I bought WAY too many and had to make all these GIANT fruit salads to eat them up.

Fruit Salads are FUN, healthy, super nutritious and very filling because of all the fiber. They’re fantastic for breakfast, dessert, at a party, as a side dish or snack!

Sweet juicy Mangoes and White or Yellow Nectarines & Peaches taste like pure sunshine when they’re ripe. These fruits combine so well with lots of different fruit!

So they were a base for most of my Fruit Salads. I especially LOVE Bee Pollen on top when I have it.

Fruit Salads are so happy and colorful and kids love them. You can be creative and pair all kinds of different fruit together for a new & unique tasty treat!  

Below are some of my favorite Fruit Salad Creations this summer.

Out of all of these, the Cherry Fruit Salad was the most stunning. Bright red, maroon and purple, it was beautiful!

Rainier Cherries would probably taste terrific with Nectarines & Peaches. I didn’t get to try it because I ate all my Rainier Cherries so FAST 🙂

Very elegant, and perfect to serve to guests. The cherries take a little time but they taste divine!

Another exciting Fruit Salad was Figs, Raspberries, and sliced Bananas.

The craziest Fruit Salad I made all summer was for the 4th of July. My lovely neighbor bought Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Honeydew, Blueberries, Strawberries, Watermelon and Grapes to make it with. I was hesitant to combine all these flavors…but it turned out delicious!

The sweetness of the melons helped to bring all the flavors together and the tang of the strawberries and pineapple was so refreshing. I couldn’t stop eating it!

It’s easy to make Fruit Salads all year long if you can find ripe fruit!